Saturday, September 28, 2013


The leopard and the cheetah were nowhere around Masai Mara. We had not seen them as we could be at the wrong place and at the wrong time. On this final Mara game drive, we saw another pride of lions. Still, the big male was missing!
 Very cute lion cubs.
 No lion king but there was this male cub.
 We moved on and found a very big herd of Buffaloes.
   They just relaxed in the sun.
 The young ones were always under the care of the big ones 
 They looked like our water buffaloes but they were definitely bigger.
 A giraffe with her baby.
This Marabou Stork was toying with it's catch before swallowing it.
 We are lucky to spot this jackal.

I was disappointed that we could not see the leopard or a cheetah in our 4 days game drives at Masai Mara. Others staying in the same camp were lucky but not us. Overall, we did see what we came for. As we would be moving to Lake Nakuru National park, the chances of seeing leopard and cheetah remanded good according to our driver.      

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