Sunday, September 22, 2013


Finally, we saw a small pride of lions on the 3rd day of our game drive. There was only a mother with 5 cubs. The male lion was nowhere in sight. 
 We spotted the lioness as she was walking towards a bush.
 She went straight to sleep with 2 cubs.
20 meters away in the open was a cub enjoying a wildebeest for breakfast. She was most probably the last one to feed.
 Later, she joined 2 cubs in another bush.
A close-up of the cub.

 These cubs were probably more than one and a half years old. 
We moved on and found a single wildebeest closed to where the lions were. It could be the next meal for the pride.
A topi antelope nursing her young.
 A zebra mother with her young
 Giraffe has quite a population in Masai Mara. 
African elephants is much bigger than of our Borneo Pygmy elephants!
 A very alert Thompson's Gazelle.
 From a distance we noticed a herd of sheep in the lion country.
They were looked after by these 2 young boys armed with only sticks. We were told that they had a total of 400 sheep with them. We gave them some mineral water. These boys were really amazing !
 A baboon mother looking for food.
A giant hippo was near the river. This one could easily weigh around 3 tonnes.
 Some of them were relaxing on the bank.
On the way back to our camp, we spotted this colourful " Lilac-breasted Roller" which is a common bird in Kenya's National parks. 

Another day was gone, there was still no leopard. My favourite game animal, the cheetah was missing too! 

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