Sunday, November 7, 2010


Next, we drove over to Kampung Sumangkap, some 10 minutes away from the Rungus Longhouse.
Entrance to Kampung Sumangkap.Kampung Sumangkap is a Rungus village where the gong's factory is.
The gongs are the important musical instrument used by the Rungus and many other Sabah tribes during festivities and grand occasions such as weddings. To the local communities, gongs are valued not only just as musical instruments but also as items of wealth. In the Kampung, there are many workshops where visitors can witness the method of gong making by the professionals. The gong factories are open daily including public holidays from 8.30am to 5.30pm.
Our last destination of the day was the Gombizau Honey Bee Farm. This farm, in Kampung Gombizau was established about ten years ago.
Entrance to Kampung Gombizau
The bees in brood-boxes are located on a hill side in the Kampung( village).
Here, visitors can learn how the bees make honey, find out everything related to honey production including from the bee wax to honeycomb and royal jelly. We were told that honey is a favourite of the Rungus. They have been consuming honey for centuries and believe that regular consuming of raw honey is good for health.
Local honey product are sold in the kampung.

Going through some heavy traffic before arriving home.

Home sweet home!

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