Friday, October 29, 2010


Last weekend, we visited a few places of interest along the 129 kilometers Kota Kinabalu-Kudat road. One of them is the traditional Rungus Longhouse. We passed through this smaller version of the longhouse on the slope of a corn field before arriving at the one we planned to visit.This Longhouse is situated at the 98th kilometers point. From the main road, it took us about 5 minutes on gravel road.Traditionally, the "Rungus" live in longhouses built on stilts. The sight such longhouses are getting rare as many of the Rungus tribe have shifted to modern-day living. Visitors can still experience this fascinating communal lifestyle in Kg. Bavanggazo.
Road leading to the Longhouse The structures are of bamboo and wood

A section of the longhouse What do you think of the bed room? Traditional musical equipment - "Gong"
The Rungus are one of the ethnic groups of Sabah, residing primarily in northern Borneo in the surrounding area of Kudat. They have a distinctive language, dress, architecture, customs, and oral literature. One of their traditional skill is weaving textiles and string beads. The older generation are mostly farmers living on cash crops. Many young Rungus have abandoned the communal life of the longhouses and work in the city adapting to the modern lifestyle.
As we entered the longhouse, we were welcomed by 2 Rungus women who showed us their traditional unique bead works. She was demonstrating the art of weaving textiles and stringing beads. The Rungus' unique bead works on display and for sale in the longhouse
For visitors who wish to stay in the longhouse and experience the cultural and lifestyle of the Rungus, they need to make pre-arrangement with a tour operator. They will be entertained with the cultural performance, food and the day to day activities.


  1. Hi, i would like to ask, to visit this long i nid pre-reservation? or just walk in like a tourist? Can avanza drive thru the road? or require 4w drive to reach the long house?

  2. Just walk in. No need 4WD, your Avanza is just fine. Have a good trip!
