Sunday, September 6, 2015


It's durians season again! August-September this year have been the peak months. Durians are everywhere!
One of the many roadside stalls along the Kinabalu-Papar road.
 The mixed breed
 Various types of "kampong" durians
At the Donggongon local market 
Also in season is the local favourate "Tarap" at RM3.00 to 5.00 per piece.
 Rambutans too, are everywhere!
"Langsat" and "mangosteen" are available at RM3.00 per kilogramme. 

Majority of the Sabah population loves durians. Price is ranging from RM5.00 - 15.00 per kilogramme. Durian season always make me happy! I prefer the "Local Kampong" durians which are creamy, sweet with a very mild bitter taste.     

 These are my favourite!!!

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