Saturday, October 5, 2013


After breakfast, we headed for Nakuru National Park, about 25 minutes from Sunbird lodge. On arrival, we found many parts of the park were flooded and some of the roads were inaccessible. Luckily, our driver knew the area well and took an alternate route to explore the park. 
Flamingos were once the main attraction of Lake Nakuru National Park. They have migrated to Lake Simbi Nyaima and other lakes in Western Kenya according to our guide.  
There were only a few hundred left in the lake. We were told that most of the flamingos have left because of the reduction in their food supply. The high water levels had reduced the salinity of water in the lake thereby reducing algae, the main food for flamingos.  
 There was quite a number of of Cape buffaloes all over the park.
 A territorial male with the Impala herd.
 The territorial male.   
 Lake Nakuru was established as a national Rhino sanctuary in 1984.
   A solitary Rhino
A giraffe feeding in the bush.
Makalia waterfall.
It's muddy water!

An exciting moment when we saw the "King" for the first time.  
The "King" was partly hidden in the bush but I managed to snap these pictures when it turned to look our way..
Picnic lunch at Baboon cliff. This was our "Nissan" safari van.
Overlooking the Nakuru lake from from the cliff.
A male baboon was patiently waiting for food. Our guide warned us not to give any left over as it might become aggressive and dangerous.
A mother and her baby.
A colourful lizard.

We continued our drive to the lake area to take a closer look at the water birds and buffaloes!
This pair of lovely Yellow-billed storks
Flamingos at close range.
This one was trying to probe the muddy bottom for snails, worms, small fish.
A beautiful baby staying close to the mother.
We were lucky again! On our last leg of the drive, we spotted these lions taking shelter under a tree.
They did not even move as our vehicle moved nearer to them. I guess they have had a good meal. 

Lake Nakuru is a beautiful park. If not for the high levels of water with some roads which were not accessible, we could have seen more wildlife and perhaps, the leopard.   

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