Tuesday, October 15, 2013


It's 6 hours drive from from Lake Nakuru to Amboseli National Park. The landscape changed  from the green Nakuru to the dusty Amboseli. The last 45 kms was terrible. The road was so rough and dusty making the ride so uncomfortable with dust filing the cabin. I had to take a shower immediately on arrival at the lodge.
While waiting for our driver to register with the warden, a group of desperate locals, tried to sell their crafts to us.
During our game drive, we saw some small tornadoes like these...a common sight in Amboseli National park.  
The magnificent Mount Kilimanjaro, the Africa's highest mountain standing at 5,895 meters above sea level. There was very little snow on the peak. We were told that the snow which used to cover the summit had melted gradually over the recent years due to global warming.
Our first sighting was this spotted hyena also known as the laughing hyena.
A lone warthog.
This park has many elephants like this one grazing the grass in the swamp. 
Kori bustards are found in dry habitats such as savannas, grasslands and semi-deserts.
This "Kori bustards", the largest bird that fly in the savannas. 
 Returning to our accommodation at sunset.
  Comfortable, spacious and  well decorated.

The next morning, we were up early at dawn for our game drive.
These zebras were early too.
 Beautiful sunrise in the savannah grassland.
We passed a herd of elephants.
They were digging for roots.
2 spotted Hyenas returning to their den after a night outing.
We were lucky and spotted these two cheetahs.
They were very cautious and walked slowly near the bushes.
  It looked like this cheetah was going for the wildebeests.
We waited, but there was no action. Our guide told us that these two cheetahs were brothers and they were not hunting, but patrolling their territory.  

The sighting of the Cheetahs had attracted a long line of safari vehicles.

I did not really like the game drive in Amboseli as it was dry and dusty. The only consolation we got, was seeing the Cheetahs. During the 10 days Kenya Safari, we have seen most of the animals except the leopard. We were also unlucky for not being able to see any stand-off between the predators and the preys especially the lions and the cape buffaloes.   

Overall, the 10 days spent in Kenya was satisfactory. I hope to come back one day and catch the big migration. The safari tour was value for money and once in a life time experience.   
Kori bustards are found in dry habitats such as savannas, grasslands and semi-deserts.
Kori bustards are found in dry habitats such as savannas, grasslands and semi-deserts.


  1. Hi,
    My name is Amy and I'm an Account Manager in an advertising agency called Empiera Sdn Bhd located in Empire Soho Subang Jaya. We are currently in the process of preparing travel brochure called ‘ Destinasi Malaysia’ for MasHolidays, the travel & tour arm of Malaysia Airlines. This brochure will be used both locally and internationally to promote Malaysia as a holiday destination.
    We are in the midst of completing the brochure, and would like to seek your permission to include the image of the Borneo Railway train from your website in this brochure. These images won’t be exclusive to us and we will only use them solely for this project.
    Please indicate your approval of this request by replying to our email. I can be contacted at amy@empiera.com.my and syana@empiera.com.my

    Your cooperation is much appreciated and please don't hesitate to contact me if you need further clarification.

  2. Please advise which are the pictures you wanted. Thanks.
