Sunday, July 28, 2013


Yesterday, my 4WD was short of fuel so I headed for the nearest petrol station. I noticed that there was a long line of vehicles near the station. I thought there was an accident. However as I drove to the other entrance, I realized that they were queuing up for diesel.  
 The line was about a mile long
 It took about 20 minutes just to get inside the station.
An empty fuel pump - no diesel!
I reached the pump after about 45 minutes. I asked pump attendance for a full tank but I was told "Sorry boss, boleh mengisi 50 ringgit sahaja " (Sorry boss, only allowed to fill 50 Ringgits!). I was furious and asked why. She replied " ini adalah arahan daripada kerajaan!" (This is the instruction from the Government!). It's ridiculous! Our government could not cope up with the Prime Minister's slogan of  People First, Performance Now. I had no choice (no point to argue) but to accept the mere 27.78 litres and paid 50 Ringgits.   

To day's newspapers carried the headline "Diesel shortage getting worse". 

A state assemblyman on Friday asked the relevant authorities to seriously look into the diesel shortage at petrol stations that has been causing unnecessary anxiety among the people. He said he received many calls from the public who wanted to know the actual cause of diesel shortage. “I urge the relevant authorities to explain to the consumers the real situation, why there is a shortage of diesel?” said the Pantai Manis state assemblyman.
He also said that consumers were fuming over diesel shortage at petrol stations in several districts across the state.

Another newspaper reported that one of the causes of the shortage could be due to smuggling activities. It was very unusual for stations to run out of diesel for so many days and the the problem was most critical yesterday. 

The diesel shortage has hit hard on the transportation, logistics, courier and other business. Goods transporters and passenger vehicle owners were the worst affected, but the shortfall in diesel supply was also felt by those who use four-wheel-drive vehicles, a common choice in Sabah. I hope our government could come up with a mechanism to ensure there is always adequate fuel in Sabah.

Sabah is an oil producing State, this shortage should not happen. But it is happening! What is going on? The Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives & Consumerism has failed their responsibility? 
According to the City Hall’s Cleanliness and Health director, Kota Kinabalu City Hall has temporarily suspended waste collection services at housing areas as its 37 garbage trucks were running out of fuel. Unbelievable! Was this a JOKE?

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