Sunday, April 29, 2012


Was 28 April 2012, a "Yellow" festival day in Malaysia?. Thousands of people from all walks of life gathered to celebrate this special day in the capital and other towns of the country.   
The gathering in Kuala Lumpur.
 A sea of yellow. 
 Even the handicapped citizens participated.   
These people came together not for any festival but to protest. They want the government to guarantee a clean election. They are calling for "Bersih" which means clean. They want the government to guarantee a a "clean and fair" election in the coming General Election:

* Clean the electoral roll. * Reform postal ballot. * Use of indelible ink.
* Minimum 21 days campaign period. * Free and fair access to media.
* Strengthen public institutions. *  Stop corruption. * Stop dirty politics.

They also want the Election Commission to resign, as it has failed in its responsibility and lost the confidence of the public.

At the same time, another group was joining in the rally, campaigning for the "Stop Lynas save Malaysia". Thousands dressed in green were parading behind the "yellow". 
The "Stop Lynas and save Malaysia" group was formed to protest and appeal to the government to stop an Australian Lynas plant to operate a rare earth project in Pahang. This plant has been set-up to dispose radioactive materials and elements. Many people wonder why the Malaysia government approved the Lynas project despite the "No deal"  by Australian government for Lynas to operate in Australia. The people especially those in Pahang and the neighbouring states has since strongly voiced out their objection as they may suffer once the plant starts their operation. A large amount of radioactive waste will be produced in the form of solid, liquid and gas which many experts believed are hazardous to human and the environment.     
  The "green" campaign.
However, the government was not in favour of any such assembling or rally even it is a peaceful one like this. The Police force was stationed in almost every corner of the streets and ready for "action".
In Kuala Lumpur, for reasons best known to the Police force, major streets of the city were garlanded by barbed wires, fencing and barriers.  
As expected,  the riot police shot tear gas into the crowd forcing them to disperse. 
Water cannons were also used.
According to some online newspapers that in Kuala lumpur, the day ended in chaos and many blamed the police for the "unnecessary violence". Elsewhere in Sabah, Sarawak and even Penang, the "Bersih" rally started and ended up without a hitch. I was told that there were no barbed wires or barriers put up and the presence of riot police.

Let's hope the government "listen" to the people and take corrective measures to conduct a fair and clean election and at the same time "stop Lynas - save Malaysia".       

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