Friday, January 6, 2012


I am saddened by the ridiculous decision to suspend all the direct flights from Kota Kinabalu to Kansai,  Haneda in Japan, Perth, Australia  and Seoul, Korea starting from January 2012.
 The B737-800 which has been flying the 4 destinations.
The decision of pulling out Kota Kinabalu as a hub in the East Malaysia States by the new CEO who has no airlines experience was just not right. His decision has no logic. The halting of Firefly was already a mistake.
This is already history - no longer in service.
It just does not make sense, why decided to suspend all flights by giving so short a notice. The CEO could have reduced the frequency instead of making a total cut. Alternately, he could have made use of Firefly to fly to these destinations. This should be the strategy of the CEO. Perhaps, as a newcomer in the airlines industry, he failed to see that the present travel trend which is heading for budget travel. I believed such a scenario will continue into the future.

Even Singapore Airlines, the world’s second-largest carrier by market value has their vision on the low cost lucrative market. They have launched a budget carrier called "Scoot" in November last year and should take to the sky by mid-2012. I believed that their forecast can not be wrong!
The image of Scoot's B777-200.
The people of Sabah are the main losers. If Malaysia Airlines is not doing anything for them, the Sabah State government should buy over Firefly to continue the services.   It is also strange that the Sabah Tourism Ministry is not making any serious complaints over all the suspension.  
Looking at the situation, the CEO of Malaysia Airlines may not be the decision maker as  the people behind these changes have their own agenda. The forces driven by Air Asia’s  are so strong after the share swap. These people are just greedy. Many people believed that they are the ones who have been tailoring the changes so that Air Asia could take over all the routes suspended by Malaysia Airlines.
I hope the CEO of Malaysia Airlines will stand up against all odds and review the operations to make the right decision.
May God help the staff of Malaysia Airlines, Firefly and the people of Sabah.

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