Sunday, December 4, 2011


On our first day in Tokyo, we went for a tour with Miura san who acted as our "driver" and "guide". Thank you, Miura san! 
 Before leaving the hotel, we had our first breakfast in Japan.  
 Healthy breakfast as recommended by Miura san.
This one was slightly heavier. 
Beautiful scenery at Rikugien gardens.
Maple trees were all around.
A coffee break at Doutor.
Good coffee and sandwich.
Our 4WD limo. 
Yellow leaves lining the side road near the Meiji gardens.
 The "Aki Matsuri" (Autumn festival) at Meiji gardens. 
 So many of the Japanese delicacies from all over Japan. 
We were offered " Shiso Yaki" or soya BBQ beef tongue from the Sendai stall.

For the rest of day, it's "jalan-jalan" (walk about) in the city and "makan-makan" (feast) time.
We moved into the Tokyo concrete jungle.
One of the best Unagi restaurant in Shinjuku area.
Unagi set for lunch.
Later in the evening, we selected this "Izakaya" (local Japanese restaurant) for an early dinner.
The starter was "beer + raw cabbage and miso sauce.
Followed by all the local delicacies.
Beef on hot plate.
Yaki gyoza.
Home made sausages.
Deep fried spring chicken.
Yaki zakana  
Last but not least, it's the "takikomi gohan" rice cooked with mushroom and meat.

It was a day of leisure taking our time enjoying the gardens and the food before getting down to business on the next day. 

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