Wednesday, May 18, 2011


The Tropical Rainforest Park is another park where I do walking and some light exercise. This park was establised in early 2003 planted mainly with tropical trees and local flowers, like the hibiscus.Most of the trees planted are still young. The tropical rainforest image can only be materialized may be after 50 years or so.
This park will come alive after 16:00 when all the health freaks and joggers occupy the 800 meters long track. There is a huge struture in the center of the park. I never know what is it but I guess it must some sort of memorial monument. A play ground for the children.Children love this cafeteria as ice cream and soft drinks are available.
Different varities of Hibicus all along the jogging track.
The "flame of forest"
This park is also a good place for bird watching as many of them come to feed on the fruits.

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