Thursday, November 26, 2009


It seems there is no end to the power supply problem in Sabah. There have been frequent power interruptions everywhere.The frequent power outages in Kota Kinabalu have become worst. As my wife was preparing dinner the other night, the power went off. Complete darkness
Luckily the emergency light was OK.

An "Emergency light" dinner.

People are angry and frustrated over the power problem in Sabah. Apparently, something is not right. Sabah has been in Malaysia for 46 years and to date, we still do not have the basic Infrastructure of constant electricity supply. The power company, Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) should sack their Managing director whom in my opinion is " Gaji Buta"( In Malay language, it means people who receives salaries for doing absolutely nothing - not performing at all.

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