Sunday, August 30, 2009


I took the Crocker range road again last weekend, making my way to Tenom driving through Tambunan and Keningau. I have not visited Tenom for quite a while. I made this trip because of some business commitment. Tenom is located in "Interior Division" of Sabah. It was called Fort Birch in the early colonial period. The area is primarily an agricultural zone with a population of about 60,000. Soy beans,maize, vegetables, cocoa and oil palm are the major crops. Entering the town center after 2 hours and 40 minutes drive from Kota Kinabalu. New residents in town..........???
There was not much developement except that the old house I used to stay back in early 50s has been demolished to make way for a new shoplot.
The old house has gone and replaced by the structure of the shoplot. (Note the Perkasa hotel at the left top corner of the picture.)
The picture below is extracted from my old posting (THE OLD HOUSE IS STILL STANDING)

Saturday, May 17, 2008 Align Left


This was my home in TENOM in the 50s.
It is amazing to see that the old house is still standing!
The house was still standing in the old picture.(Note: the "Perkasa hotel" at the left top corner of the picture).
Tenom Fried noddle, a well-known dish in town.
I stayed a night at this 2 star 64 rooms Tenom Perkasa Hotel which is situated high on a hill over looking the town and the whole Tenom valley.

Tenom Perkasa hotel is the largest hotel built in the 80s. I was given a brief inspection of the hotel and it's facilities before I checked in. Their lobby, coffee shop and rooms are presentable. However, most of the the bath rooms including that of my room were poorly lighted and looked very old and dirty.
The lobby and the receiption area
Coffee house
The bed room
View of the town from the hotel
Padas river in the distance
I woke up to a foggy morning. The town had disappeared!
Driving back to Kota kinabalu, I used the Tenom-Sipitang-Beaufort route, approximately 3 and half hours drive. Crossing the Padas River via the "Tenom Lama bridge" A "full bloom" mango tree by the road sideThe construction of the 56.1 kms Tenom-Sipitang was completed in early 2007. My first time on this "new" road and my expectation was a smooth and relaxing drive all the way.But no........, it was not to be when I saw these logging trucks on the road. I just wonder why there were still logging actitivites.. I thought that the Sabah State government has put a stop to all these activities. Trailing and overtaking Logging trucks most of the way
Very dangerous driving by this driver. Overall, it was a scenic drive with tropical jungle along most of the way
Passing this small Sipitang town then to Beaufort before arriving at Kota kinabalu clocking a total distance of 166 kms from Tenom.

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